
Contract Administration

Building contract administration has numerous benefits including clarity and certainty, legal protection, scope management, financial control, and stakeholder communication.

Previous Projects:

3 Cavendish Square, London W1

20 Old Bailey, London EC1

2 Queen Anne’s Gate, London SW1

3 Cavendish Square, London W1

Project Goals

● Irretractable rainwater ingress issues into upper offices from main roof to Grade II* listed property.

● Bespoke solution in terms of materials to comply with listing status and to improved surface water drainage to address frequent heavy rainfall events.

● Ongoing maintenance issues proving difficult to tackle due to poor access and health and safety concerns.


● Installing safety systems for future maintenance in conjunction with roof and parapet gutter and rainwater downpipe repairs.

● Making good damage to finishes internally from rainwater ingress.  Assisting property managers with ongoing and planned maintenance regime.

20 Old Bailey, London EC1

Project Goals

● Rainwater ingress into property due to a combination of base-build defective design and core drilled penetrations to flat roof upstands. Previous Landlord’s advisors had failed to remedy defects.

● The objective was to oversee design and deliver a new warm deck roofing system, bespoke in design and replace incumbent tenant’s external planters and other fixtures and fittings.

● Dovetailing tenant’s fixtures, fittings and planters into completed scheme following completion of base-build rectification works.


● Works undertaken in a live environment around the property to exacting requirements.

● Weekend working in order to minimise delays to programme from inclement weather to ensure no business downtime to occupational tenants.

● Overall betterment

2 Queen Anne’s Gate, London SW1

Project Goals

● Existing proposals and re-roofing solutions were over budget and ill-thought out.

● Chrysalis was brought in to advise on differing solutions to remedy the roof that had been subject to numerous patch repairs and unsuccessful waterproofing works. Existing roof coverings were approximately 80 years old.

● Significant amounts of Landlord HVAC plant and generator together with Tenants’ air-conditioning plant to the main roof creating numerous obstacles for proposed roof re-covering works.

● Deliver project in accordance with Building Control and 20 year roofing warranty.


● Detailed liaison with Building Control to achieve part L compliance.

● Detailed validation of mechanical and electrical plant, followed by specialist lifting of HVAC equipment to allow new roof coverings to be provided directly beneath.

● Seamless works with no disruption to Landlord’s or Tenants’ building services. Project delivered 2 weeks early and on budget.