

Dilapidations represent repair and exit costs at the end of a lease. Claims can have a serious financial implications for both landlords and occupiers. A dilapidations claim is a series of components driven by case law and legal protocols.

Chrysalis provides dilapidations surveys to help you understand exactly what is at stake and how to best deal with any claim. We can negotiate the best possible financial solution or implement repair works if required ensuring compliance with leasehold covenants.

Our role is to provide clients with easy access to key technical, management and legal skills with which to deal with any form of dilapidations exposure.

Previous Projects:

HSS Hire, National

5 Hanover Square, London W1

Cardinal Place, London SW1

Jagex, Cambridgeshire

HSS Hire, National

Project Goals

● Understand the extent of liability across the client’s UK portfolio and creating a strategy to mitigate risk and financial exposure.

● Continued client support on dilapidations strategy for the UK portfolio. Challenge landlord’s dilapidations claims and negotiate with the view to maximising savings.


● Preparation of 24 dilapidations assessments. Provided clarity to client by identifying the correct level of liability for accounting provisions.

● Challenged landlord’s claims and intentions for premises.

● Savings – 12 times greater than surveying and consulting engineer’s costs.

5 Hanover Square, London W1

Project Goals

● Provision of dilapidations liability report to establish cost liability and subsequent tactics to mitigate risk. Negotiating on behalf of outgoing tenant within flagship West End property.

● Providing strategy in terms of minimising exposure and applying negotiating tactics to reduce the claim.


● 35% reduction in landlord’s initial claim.

● Assisting client with deed of release and liaising with the tenant’s solicitors to conclude associated lease end obligations.

Cardinal Place, London SW1

Project Goals

● Providing strategic review with options to reduce cost exposure and re-instatement liabilities.

● DUG was keen to resolve all obligations and achieve settlement ahead of lease expiry due to additional expenditure connected with new office and relocation.

● Subsequently appointed to defend Landlord’s dilapidation and re-statement claim served on Down Under Geosolutions’ (DUG) London headquarters.


● Resolution and settlement agreed within 8 weeks with substantial savings achieved from Landlord’s claim.

Jagex, 220 Cambridge Science Park, Cambridgeshire

Project Goals

● Established in the 1970s, Cambridge Science Park has become an important hub for research, scientific, and technology-based companies.

● As part of a workplace strategy to determine whether to stay or leave, the client needed to understand the risks and liabilities associated with its leasehold Full Repairing and Insurance responsibilities, as well as reinstatement liabilities.

● A third-party Mechanical and Electrical Consultant appointed in conjunction with the Building Survey to thoroughly reviewed the building fabric and mechanical and electrical services.


● Detailed survey report provided including main leasehold obligations with a detailed cost summary.

● Strategy provided to mitigate dilapidations and minimise liability up to lease expiry, including the use of diminution caps including forward planning of negotiations.